Temple is committed to providing free technology training to help University faculty, staff, and current students maximize the use of technology in teaching and learning.
Training opportunities available at Temple include:
Center for the Advancement of Teaching
Technology Training provided by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching accommodates all user levels and covers a variety of accessibility topics. Subjects covered by these free courses include: how to create accessible documents using Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat PDF, and how to design accessible websites and online courses using Blackboard.
Guidance on how to employ the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in your courses is also available. Universally designed courses improve and optimize learning for all students in the class by considering how we engage students, present information and provide opportunities for students to express what they know.
Register for a Workshop
To locate an upcoming accessibility workshop, please visit the Center for the Advancement of Teaching’s workshop registration site, type “accessibility” in the search for event window, and then proceed to register for your preferred workshop.
Request Specialized Workshops
Specialized workshops that are not already scheduled can be requested for individual schools, colleges or departments by submitting a request at TUhelp. In your submission, please indicate any specific needs and the anticipated number of participants. For one-on-one consultation, please schedule an appointment to meet with an Instructional Technology consultant or Faculty Development consultant, or visit an Instructional Technology Lab.
Training On-Demand
Information Technology Services and Human Resources have created training sessions in conjunction with Disability Resources and Services to help student workers better serve customers in the computer lab who have a disability.
LinkedIn Learning
Temple University offers free, unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, an online library of high-quality instructional videos on the latest software tools and skills. To access LinkedIn Learning, go to http://linkedinlearning.soongshinkid.com/, and then log in with your Temple AccessNet Username and password. Type “accessibility” in the search window to locate relevant material.